Thermal Camera System and Application


Operating in the field of electronic security, Kale Alarm has launched new thermal cameras to support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. 

Offering its users full security, Kale Alarm supports the measures against the coronavirus with a new range of thermal cameras. Kale Thermal Cameras are frequently deployed in industrial facilities, factories, banks, airports, bus terminals, hotels, shopping malls, major markets selling food, public organizations and corporate head offices.

What Is a Thermal Camera?

Thermal cameras turn heat, i.e. thermal energy, into visible light to illuminate an environment. This gives them versatility. Living beings and mechanical equipment emit heat, which makes them visible to thermal cameras even in the dark. Such cameras may be very sensitive and require a small amount of heat to operate efficiently.

Thermal Camera Features and Fields of Use

Firefighters use thermal cameras to see smoke, locate people, and detect fire hot spots. Law enforcement officers use this technology to manage surveillance activities, find suspects, search crime scenes, and carry out search and rescue operations. Power grid maintenance technicians use thermal cameras to locate overheating contacts and parts to eliminate potential problems. If there are problems with thermal insulation, construction technicians can locate thermal leaks to increase cooling and heating efficiency. Thermographic cameras are also used to monitor physiological activities, such as fever in humans and other warm-blooded animals. Following pandemics such as swine influenza and SARS in previous years, thermographic cameras are preferred at important access points, such as airports and border gates.

After receiving considerable demand from industrial facilities, factories, banks, airports, bus terminals, hotels, shopping malls, major markets selling food, public organizations and corporate head offices following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Kale Thermal Cameras have been installed to measure body heat in an effort to control and mitigate the coronavirus pandemic.

Thermal Camera Settings

With their thermal imaging system, Kale Thermal Cameras detect wavelengths that are invisible to the naked eye. They also make it possible to see the problems that may have significant outcomes in the struggle against the coronavirus pandemic.

Thermal Camera Prices

Thermal cameras are priced differently depending on their size, resolution and the requirements of the area to be monitored. The most appropriate solutions will be provided following an site visit from our specialized teams.

For further details about Kale Thermal Cameras and their applications, you can fill out the form or contact our Kale Thermal Camera Security Advisers at